Our troop is a scout-led troop which means the scouts are responsible for the troop. Below are descriptions of the different available roles.
For a list of scouts assigned to each position, please sign in to Scoutbook.
Senior Patrol Leader |
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader |
Troop Quartermaster |
Troop Scribe |
Troop Librarian |
Troop Historian |
Troop Chaplain Aide |
Leave No Trace Trainer |
Troop Instructor (Safety) |
Troop Instructor (Firem’n Chit) |
Troop Instructor (Tote’n Chit) |
Troop Instructor (Electronics’ Chit) |
Troop Instructor (Knots) |
Troop Guide |
For general requirements, go to General Troop Leadership